The Struggle with Emotional Clarity — Life of an Empath
Clarity is a heavy topic. It’s not easy to navigate when you are first starting on your spiritual journey. It may not even be something you connect with or are aware that you need to be conscious of as it pertains to spirituality. But, indeed, emotional clarity is the top priority when it comes to activating higher consciousness, your soul purpose, and leaning into a deeper level of spiritual practice.
What is emotional clarity? I mean, really….
Emotional clarity is the spiritual concept of knowing yourself and connecting with the most profound aspects of your being to promote a greater spiritual connection to All That Is, universal laws, and soul level truth. The more you can connect with yourself in clarity and void of overwhelming amounts of ego, the more connected you will become to everything.
Emotional clarity allows you to see worldly things as they are and without the natural block and separation that the ego presents. This clarity aids in identifying true desires, connects you to your soul purpose, opens your heart chakra, allows you to connect more intuitively to all of your senses, and eliminates resistance in difficult matters.
Seeking emotional clarity is the process of examining your thoughts, emotions, reactions, and overall mindset to foster a deeper connection with yourself and attain a clearer sense of your spiritual pathway.
One huge factor that holds so many behind their true potential as they reach for a more spiritual life is fear. When you are not sure of what lies ahead, it is comforting to rely on people and things that have been a constant for you, even if they do not add value to your life.
The number one point of resistance for the women I work with that prevents them from immediately signing up for ongoing spiritual guidance is… wanting to discuss it with friends or family.
You have probably heard the adage, “misery loves company.” I think the problem with that is we can’t always effectively assess misery when it comes to the people we hold closest to us.
We rarely consider misery as:
- Codependency
- Negative mindset
- Constant emotional triggers
- Incessant judgment
- Needing to be right about everything
- Overly critical
- Inability to respect or set boundaries for themselves or others
- Overall low vibrational
This list is essential. Because if you have people you are surrounding yourself with that possess these qualities, they will not be able to accurately advise you on taking a high vibrational step in your life. No matter if it is seeking spiritual guidance, or making a significant purchase, or any other life-changing decision.
This list is even more significant when you think you apply the law of attraction to this point. If you can attract like energy, then some aspect of you is still operating at a low vibrational space. The critical time is when you are trying to pull yourself up, or more significant when Spirit is trying to push in a new direction.
Bottom line, you can’t ask questions to friends and family that have no emotional clarity or less emotional clarity than you do. It’s counterproductive. People who have low emotional clarity have significantly low empathy. Be clear about this state of low empathy because we often think that our friends and family, even when functioning from a low vibrational state, still hold us in high regard and wish us the best. Therefore, we still view them and their opinions with some level of objectivity. In other words, just because they are pessimistic about everything and everybody else, they will always give us their unbiased views about our life situations……WRONG!
It will be tough for a person in a negative mindset to offer you any sense of clarity when they are not clear themselves. So, you can never be safe emotionally or vulnerable with people like this.
Growth is a state of being realized after you have gone through many lessons that have changed your mindset.
Emotional clarity is the first real step in leaning into a more spiritual path. Be more willing to explore where you are, and where you would like to be than you are ready to settle for what is not working for you based on another person’s advice.
If you are struggling with processing your emotions or have a situation where your internal dialogue is preventing you from taking action, schedule an emotional clarity session with me here.
And, check out these episodes of the podcast:
Originally published at on February 2, 2021.