The Obsession with the Divine Feminine — Life of an Empath
What is the obsession with the Divine Feminine, you ask? Simple. It’s another portal in modern-day accessibility when it comes to spirituality. For someone like me who has primarily coached women for the last decade, I can honestly say most clients aren’t disconnected from their feminine aspect but are more so attached to the ego consciousness.
Both the feminine and the masculine aspects are divine by origination. All beings are both an extension of the Divine Creator. The Divine Feminine circles diminish this divinity by calling forth ego in the form of authority, control, arrogance, and assumed divination abilities.
Honestly, the Divine Feminine is a pagan character of control. This aspect of the ego is about claiming power in a way that is intended to equalize the feminine and masculine aspects. Though, the feminine and masculine aspects need not be equal because neither is higher than the other aspect. But, through assertation of this aspect, it becomes a harmful practice.
As a result, it helps to learn the knowledge of the second cosmic law to release the attachment to the idea of the Divine Feminine: In every Human Being, there is profound divinity. But it’s not intuitive. We all have the same relationship with the Divine, but our divine reality is different because we all have a distinct awareness of the Divine.
Here are the attributes supporters of the Divine Feminine claim to possess: confidence, agency, power of choice, self-validation, and connection. These qualities are found within all human beings and do not reveal a collection of qualities assigned to a few. The term “divine feminine” promotes separation, and in this separation, the Divine Feminine seeks to be the Alpha and the Omega; void of the need for Source.
The obsession with the Divine Feminine is the attraction to modern spirituality as a tool for surviving the millennial wave of existence. Modern spiritual practices can work well with traditional spiritual methods when accessed appropriately as long as Spirit and spiritual beings remain sacred. Calling forth the Divine Feminine aspect in modern times is akin to seeking a deity separate from Source, which correlates with paganism and not the Spirit of Light.
How can the feminine and masculine aspects work in balance with each other?
The feminine and the masculine aspects already work in tandem to create a balanced being. The ego-consciousness chooses to feed specific elements by creating and directing energy through their individual behavior patterns in different circumstances. In selecting the feminine aspect, you offering nurturing, submission, empathy, consciousness. In leaning into the masculine, you choose dominance, leadership, survival, provision, and security. And yet, neither characteristics of either aspect are negative in nature. These characteristics of the feminine and the masculine merely exist within all of us. Again, it is the energy we assign to our circumstances that determines our life experiences’ outcome.
The Divine Feminine aspect does not create alignment in the higher consciousness; it does the opposite because when you require control, there will be no point of surrender.
Understanding our Sacred Wounds
Let’s go deeper and understand the root cause of the attraction to the Divine Feminine and acknowledge our wounds for a moment. One thing that is blocking acceptance for some people is that they cannot recognize that they are, in fact, wounded. This is how concepts like the Divine Feminine take flight in the wrong direction — away from the soul. I stumbled upon that this last year when I started to talk about trauma in group sessions and workshops, more often and specifically trauma bonding. What is the first thing that comes up for you when you hear the word trauma?
Over the years in my intuitive practice, I have seen people internalize the word trauma in extremes. I see white women rejecting the experience and the term trauma in all ways, always. They prefer to use guidance for the most part in how they can be advantageous, access power and control. I have observed them desiring to lean into the identity privilege has afforded them, although the trauma they have experienced results in them showing up negatively in their energy often. Whereas women of color define themselves by their trauma and desire to be strong because they lived through it and not because they have confronted it and healed from it, and accepted it as a lesson in growth.
At some point in my journey, I saw too much of the latter in my ancestral lineage, and that “move through it” energy just didn’t feel good to me. It creates a more dense energy within, and it’s hard to expect or accept anything positive in your experiences. It leaves you with more to overcome, more troubled and unfulfilling experiences. It makes it harder for the Light to move through, like when you show up to guidance. Dense energy resists the Light, it fears it, and it does judge it — because fear, resistance and judgment, start within you and manifest onto any and everything else.
Acknowledging the trauma within
So let’s try to stay open to a couple things to understand the concept of sacred wounds. First, pain or woundedness is universal. All humans hurt and have hurt other people. Trauma is a condition of the human experience. It has been described in every spiritual or sacred text (you know the ones we don’t read because we try to avoid getting infected by religion/woo-woo). The pain or injuries we are exposed to distorts our perception and limits the way we experience everything. The second thing is that you need to accept this to be effectively working with any spiritual modality should be with the intention to gain clarity for healing.
Our wounds are sacred or divine because they present a spiritual opportunity for healing. It gives us the chance to become aware of our divine reality through our humanity, unlike the Divine Feminine concept. To connect and identify with ourselves at the soul level and to realize our essential goodness. Our sacred wounds lead us to our divine destiny. And, what does that sound like? Soul Purpose comes to mind instantly!
So, the question becomes, how are we feeding the sacred wounds with calling in the Divine Feminine aspect rather than leaning into a place where we can realize our actual divinity?
We can release the hold fad practices have on us and embrace our true divinity through spiritual practice. We must only commit ourselves to release the mindsets that keep us stuck in harmful patterns such as:
As long we act from a place of ego. In doing so, we seek not to achieve soul growth or ascension but to feel better. Most of all, we feed our wounds by attempting to skip over emotional clarity by defining ourselves based on what we have endured, not how we have healed. The only way to ascend is through our sacred wounds and learning to direct our energy in ways that fulfill our divine destiny. In making this commitment to ourselves, to our destiny, we achieve a more genuine sense of self-care, which is connected to your higher consciousness.
If you would like to see if exploring your trauma could help bring greater clarity, or if exploring a modality connected to spiritual growth could be beneficial, schedule a discovery session with me .
Originally published at on June 4, 2021.